
The two of us both have a history working with art and design, and felt that made us natural partners for Regifting. So when deciding to partner on a project together, we knew we wanted to use our combined interests and skills to create something.

Chicago Books to Women in Prison is an organization that takes requests from and delivers books free of charge to incarcerated women, including transwomen, in prison nationwide. Their mission is to offer the opportunity of self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides.

Preparing final books

Encouraged by the mission of this organization, we reached out to see how our skills and means could best be used. After speaking with CBWP and learning about the types of requests they most get, we decided to collaborate in making a dual-purpose coloring book and daily planner. Each month begins with a mandala-style design to be colored to encourage the women to relax and de-stress. Each design also features a word that is meant to be empowering or calming to keep in mind while coloring—and throughout the month. In all, we produced 150 books, and sent them directly to CBWP, who’ll then decide on their distribution.

Stapling final books

Chicago Books to Women in Prison is always accepting donations and has constant needs and requests from the women they serve. To donate or learn more, visit